DEI for change

DEI for change

Om DEI for change

DEI for change er ejet og drevet af Charlotte Kirkegaard.

Charlottes dybeste passion er arbejdet med ledelse, organisation, diversitet, lighed og inklusion: Fordi bæredygtige organisationer bygges på en bred vifte af perspektiver, ressourcer og talenter. Forskellighed er effektiv en driver for positiv forandring.

Charlottes tilgang er systematisk, strukturel og ikke mindst strategisk, og derfor er hun stærk både til undersøgelser, analyser, rådgivning, undervisning og ikke mindst som sparringspartner i forandringsprocesser. Med et skarpt øje på bolden og et bredt erfaringsgrundlag, er hun i stand til at finde løsninger, der både er langsigtede og passer ind i konteksten.

Charlotte er oprindeligt uddannet jurist og har tidligere arbejdet i Indenrigsministeriet. Efterfølgende har hun videreuddannet sig inden for ledelse, kommunikation, organisation, journalistisk, filosofi og køn.

De mange kompetencer har bragt Charlotte vidt omkring: På rundrejse i Kenya og Zimbabwe, udsendt for Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, for at sætte fokus på kvinder og patentrettigheder.

Som forsker på Center for Ligestillingsforskning, hvor flere års arbejde har givet Charlotte en unik indsigt i, hvordan teori omsættes til succesfuld praksis.

Charlotte har nu i en årrække haft egen konsulentvirksomhed, hvor hun har løst opgaver for EU, FN, Europa Domstolen, Nordisk Ministerråd, Ligestillingsministeriet, Erhvervsstyrelsen samt større virksomheder og organisationer. Dette har bragt hende til steder som Vietnam, New York og en lang række europæiske lande.

Hun er en skarp og underholdende taler, forfatter til bogen: "Vi har jo døtre, der følger efter os - Sådan får vi flere kvinder i ledelse", ophavskvinde til et væld af artikler om ligestilling i ledelse og international keynote speaker.

Når det drejer sig om personlig udvikling har Charlotte i mange år arbejdet shamanistisk, og bruger jævnligt både den indianske og den keltiske svedehytte til at opnå nye erkendelser, skærpet fokus og indre styrke.

Charlottes fokus er altid konkret, målrettet og løsningsorienteret, og hendes drivkraft er positiv forandring, der løfter den organisation hun arbejder i til fælles bedste. Med et skarpt øje for struktur og systematik er hun i stand til at gennemskue, præcist hvor udfordringerne befinder sig og ikke mindst hvordan de kan løses mest effektivt.

"Jeg har arbejdet professionelt med dette område siden 2004, og jeg bliver aldrig træt af det. Tværtimod, er jeg helt overbevist om, at det er vigtigt både for verden og for os selv at forstå og - ikke mindst - erfare, hvad DEI kan.

Samtidig er det vigtigt at erkende at DEI ikke er målet i sig selv, men derimod vejen frem til væsentlig bedre beslutninger, øget lighed og større fokus på langsigtet bæredygtighed.

Vi skal blive bedre til at passe på os selv, hinanden og vores jord."

Gennemførte projekter

Allente TV. Training in DEI at the workplace. Lecture and workshop.

Mannaz. Teaching the new legislation on gender and management.

Djøf Gender Equality Commitee. Teaching the new legislation on gender and management.

GroupM. Developing new schemes for parental leave including all kinds of parents regardless of gender.

Ministry of Defense. Training of military topleaders in gender perspective and leadership.

Copenhagen Municipality. Developing strategy on how to avoid sexual harassment and conducting trainings for leaders.

LOU Advokaterne. Training of leaders on how to avoid sexism and sexual harassment.

DJØF. Conducting survey to explore the number of incidents of sexual harassment and sexism.

FAOD. Conducting survey to explore the number of incidents of sexual harassment and sexism.

TV2. Training sessions on how to avoid sexual harassment and sexism.

DJØF. Training of young female leaders on strategy and performance.

Dreamhack. Developing a new scheme on parental leave including same sex couples.

Kommunernes Landsforening. Keynote speak on how to promote women in leadership. National conference.

Writing a Handbook on how to achieve more female leaders in organizations. Published on Djøf Forlag.

Advising and formulation new policy on how to achieve more female leaders. Jyske Bank.

Delivering workshop and strategy on how to implement the Istanbul Convention in Danish legislation and public administration. FIU.

Delivering workshop and advice on how to implement a sexual harassment policy. The Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Delivering workshop and strategy on how to implement a sexual harassment policy. The International Highschool.

Conduct a session for Danish HR leaders on how to achive more female leaders in organizations. Cope Consulting Networks.

• Danish Ministry of Business. Qualitative research and report on promotion of female leadership in Denmark.

• Women Deliver/Visit Copenhagen. Workshop for international journalists on the Danish strategies on gender equality in the welfare state.

• The Social Democrat Party. Training Danish Politicians on gender mainstreaming in politics. Developed training materials.

• The Think Tank DEA. Training and workshop on promoting female leadership in research and education. Developed training material.

• UN Women Vietnam. Mid-term evaluation of project on strengthen the capacity of the government on implementing, monitoring and evaluation the National Strategy on Gender Equality.

• UNDP Montenegro. Evaluation of National plan for gender equality (IPA 2010) including women in politics, female entrepreneurship and violence against women. UNDP project.

• EU. Research, finding best practice examples and writing report as Danish expert on promoting women in Politics and leadership in EU. 18 countries are involved. EU project.

• EU. Writing the Danish report on Gender Impact Assessment as the Danish expert for the EU conference in June 2014 in Wienna and participating as the Danish expert. Search, review and analyzing the Danish development and tools on Law enforcement and impact assessment.

• Research, develop and write material on gender aspects within 16 different themes at the Nordic Council of Ministers. Themes: Labourmarket, Energy, Business, Finance, Agriculture, Fishing, Food, Culture, Law and justice, Environment, Regional development, Transportation, Welfare, Health, Education and Research.

• Training civil servants in the Danish Ministries on how to promote gender equality in the national legislation for the Danish Ministry on Gender Equality. Especially focused on how to integrate gender equality in the law making process and how to change laws into being more gender sensitive and non-discriminating. Developing training material.

• Training civil servants and politicians from the Council of Europe on how to promote gender equality in management, politics and administration. Developing training material.

• Develop and create a strong and effective monitoring tool to evaluate the efforts and projects on gender mainstreaming for civil servants in the Nordic member states. The Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Develop and create concrete tools for promoting gender equality in projects following the Logical Framework Approach for the Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Training civil servants in gender sensitive leadership and gender mainstreaming within 14 different fields at the Nordic Council of Ministers. Developing training material. Fields: Welfare, Finance, Budget, Environment, Labour market, Law and Justice, Education, Business, Energy, Regional policies, Fishing, Agriculture, Culture and Communication.

• Integration of gender aspects in green growth and climate change research in the Nordic Countries. Evaluating and analyzing the strategies and proposed new methodology, improvement of research themes with a gender perspective and creating desk study from a global level on gender and green growth/climate change. Main focus on how to integrate female researchers and women's perspectives in the core objectives of the research themes. (Danish) Nordic Council of Ministers and NordForsk (Nordic Research Institute).

• Integration of gender aspects in the development-cooperation between the Nordic Countries in 2013 focusing on environment and climate change. Integration of gender aspects in the new fossil-fuel subsidy reform with main focus on how to integrate poor women's perspectives in development countries. Nordic Council of Ministers and International Institute for sustainable Development.

• Integration of gender perspective in development of new educational material for young students in the Nordic countries on climate change. Foreningerne Nordens Forbund and Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender aspect in "Use of Economic Instruments in Nordic Environmental Policy" - a report initiated by Nordic Council of Ministers and carried out by "Copenhagen Economics", Stockholm. The assignment included a desk study, evaluation, an analysis and recommendations on new strategies.

• Integration of gender equality in the Nordic Mining industry. The assignment included a global desk study, an evaluation and analysis of the gender perspectives in the North and recommendations on how to strengthen women regarding positions, new job opportunities, local democracy from women's perspectives and organizing local communities striving for gender equality. The Nordic Council of Ministers and Luleå Technical University.

• Promoting female entrepreneurship in teaching and gymnasiums in the Nordic Countries. The assignment included gender perspectives on a conference program, a magazine and a new research programme on how to include entrepreneurship in teaching and the curriculum. The Nordic Council of Ministers, Mandag Morgen and NordForsk.

• Integration of gender perspectives in a Nordic report "Analyzing the Nordic Welfare Model". The assignment included desk review on welfare from a gender perspective and an evaluation and analysis on the macroeconomic perspectives from a gender perspective. The result included a new set of strategic recommendations on how to analyze and measure welfare including women's perspectives. The Research Institute on Finnish Economy and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender perspective in research study on comparative study of the social welfare educations in the Nordic Countries. Review, evaluation, analysis and development of new gender sensitive strategies. Consultant firm DAMVAD and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender perspectives in research of social inequality in the Nordic welfare systems. The assignment included a desk review and evaluation on social inequality from a gender perspective and recommendations with new strategies and new research themes including women's perspectives. NordForsk and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender perspective in development of Clinical Multicenter Study and Databank in the Nordic Countries. Nordforsk and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender perspective in development of new procedures in the Nordic Countries in highly specialized treatments in the health sector. Ministries of Health (Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland) and the Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender perspectives in a Nordic project on improvement of welfare and nutrition. The assignment included a desk review, evaluation and concrete methods on how to secure gender equality in the planned research and in campaigning. The Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Integration of gender perspective in improvement of new research combining sustainability with welfare themes at university level. Evaluation, analysis and development of new strategies. The Nordic Council of Ministers.

• Qualitative research and analysis on conditions of female entrepreneurs in Denmark for the Ministry of Business and Economy. Collecting best practice, rolemodels and developing a new national strategy on promoting female entrepreneurship at a national level.

• Developing a new National strategy on gender mainstreaming of the public sector – especially the ministries – for the Danish Government (Ministry on gender equality) The work contained a new virtual platform, new communication strategy and developing new tools for the civil servants in order to work more professional and consistent with gender mainstreaming and gender sensitive budgeting. The job was performed in cooperation with the ministry’s civil servants and Aalborg University.

• Trainings and developing new strategies for Hvidovre municipality on working with both gender mainstreaming and gender sensitive budgeting on the public service areas and to find new ways to change the gender segregated employment pattern within the municipality. Development of training material.

• Training female secretaries in leadership and communication – and empowering them to make new steps in their carrier. Developing training material. The sessions are a mixture of lecture, discussions and group work.

• Trainings and empowerment of the new Council of Ethnic Minority Women (in Denmark) to perform as a group with a common vision and strategy. I developed the training material, power points and I conducted several workshops on how to perform as a professional Board and the themes were leadership, communication, budgets, fundraising, vision, mission, media strategy and how to connect and ensuring a constructive cooperation and dialogue within the frame of a lot of differences in background, culture, education, language and countries. The women were from Kasakhstan, Somalia, Phillipines, Uganda, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Turkey. The teaching methods was a mixture of lectures, discussions and both individual and group work, and the result was a collection on concrete documents where all the participants have been involved and therefore felt ownership and responsibility in implementing afterwards.

• Trainings and analysis conducted for the Danish Handicap organization on gender mainstreaming of policies, communication and budgets in a professional and strategic manner. Developing training material.

• Trainings and analysis conducted for the Ministry on Employment focusing on local job centers on how to implement gender aspects in their daily work with unemployed men and women in a professional and strategic manner. Development of training material.

• Qualitative survey and analysis of women and leadership of Jyske Bank with recommendations for strategy and change.

• Developing training manuals for gender sensitive leadership and communication. Strategy for more female leaders at Jyske Bank.

• Qualitative study and analysis of women and management of Vestas Wind Systems with recommendations for strategy and change.

• UNDP. Albania. My job was to manage and doing research at a Twinning Project aimed at building up an Institute for Gender Research at Tirana University. Focus on mainstreaming, human trafficking, prostitution, violence, women's rights, labour market and participation in decision making. I went to Tirana to visit Women’s organisation and wrote the reports on the project. Besides I was responsible of having an Albanian group visiting Denmark for capacity building and inspiration on both sides.

• EU project "Female Migration Vision”. I was managing and researching this project, which was focusing on female migration within the EU. I conducted a qualitative research and was responsible for the Danish conference with participation of women’s rights organizations, scientists and human rights organization. The project was developed and completed with Italy, Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Latvia and Sweden. The international conference was held in Italy.

• Øresund Committee (Danish-Swedish collaboration) I conducted a gender research and analysis and developed a mainstreaming strategy in relation to their project portfolio.

• EU project "Modern Men II". I was coordinating and made qualitative and quantitative research on reconciliation of work and family life with a gender perspective. The project was developed and completed with Iceland, Italy and Lithuania. Besides the reports we collected best practice and developed new strategies for change.

• Project officer of quantitative gender analysis of 3F (Danish Union) on work-life balance in a gender perspective with recommendations.

• Researcher on a large qualitative research and analysis of female artists working conditions and challenges as women and artists. The research was conducted in cooperation with the Danish Arts Council. The report also contained a list of recommendations for the Danish Government and the results were presented on a large conference in Copenhagen.


for change

Hindegade 6

1303 København K


+45 61 69 59 90


Charlotte Kirkegaard

skriver jævnligt i danske medier om DEI, ledelse, organisationer og forandringer

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